Friday, September 18, 2009

Just another political agenda

Here it comes again.
That usual annual overdramatic social essembly.
Can't be bothered.
Call me bitter, or like mom likes to say, I actually got this from my dad.
Dad, thanks, I should give you an award for being an ass.
What she does not know is her son is an ass, too.
Truth is, even if it is not genetic, 'we are' naturally a bunch of asses.
And proud of it.

Come to think about it.
Although yeah, some of you would say this is the time
to gather gather but why do you have to wait for 'this time'
to gather gather?
And this time is theeee time to ask for forgiveness,
you are more screwed up than me (go figure).
Why can't you say sorry immediately you realize you are at fault?
Worst, some morons think tis theee time to go for cost-saving shopping,
yello, can't you see the 'SALE' is happening all year round?
Ok, probably that is not the worst.
The worst would be an extremist of this gather gather event
calling me selfish, arrogant and I would just die in hell for not
being fatally overwhelmed and adhere to this sacred event.

I'm not gonna succumb to this political agenda.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


It hurts when you're smart.
You tend to see many nonsense,
idiotic things happen
right infront of your eyes,
and you have to force yourself to stand still
and let yourself being tortured with other people's stupidity.
The brainless people.
These people with genuine stupidy, not because they don't go
to school, but because they are simply ignorance.
It could be one of that professor in your faculty.

Torture is when brainless people fights with their own species.
"You are stupid!" "No, you are stupid"
"No, you're stupid" "No,no, you are stupid"
I can only see internal problem than two different community fighting over different things.
They poke and hurt each other until they die because
they don't understand what "Ignorance is bliss" is.

Don't touch these brainless people, smart people.
They'll irrates smart people to the bone.

Leave them alone, we've got better things to do.
Smart people are not cowards.
Smart people behaves.
Smart people does not jump when brainless poeple pokes them.
Brainless people openly display their desperate attemps in being smart.
Smart people likes to act dumb, so that brainless people can not take advantage of smart people.

If you're desperate to know if you're smart (or not)
try this:-
If you think after reading this post,
you go "What? What is she talking about? Sounds arrogant",
then you ARE definitely DUMB.
And smart people does not need to ask if they're smart.
and I don't actually have to try to explain much.
We know.

So make use of your brain properly.
Dad says less usage makes the brain expensive.
Of course, brainless people thinks expensive is exclusive.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Go away McDonald's, leave me alone. I'm fat.

I'm looking for an excuse to go on diet.
It should sounds as good as my excuse of not
putting up my company's brand website.
But it shouldn't sound like my other half's excuse of
quitting smoking "I'm doing this for you, baby".


I know.
I'm so mean.
He should just kill me after reading this,
or consult his friend then come up with a "PROs & CONs" list on me,
decide, take action. Whatever.

I hope someday I can accept that people
COULD or WOULD do good things to me.
I am still cynical about that.
I'm never a good person, why would anyone bother
to treat me right and sings "you deserves nothing but the best"
Hello. I must be dreaming. *slaps!*

So leave me alone!

Here I go again.

So, yeah.
McDonald's dissapoints me for the first time yesterday.
The McValue lunch burger sucks.
